Lorenzo Braghetto 应用

AppLink 0.2
AppLink allows you to open some link to themost popular social networks directly in the official Androidapplication instead of open the browser.In some case it's possible that the Super User (aka root)permission is required.Still in an initial release.For suggestions or ideas or if you want to collaborate send anemail monossido@lorenzobraghetto.com, sources available athttp://github.com/monossido/AppLink
Patente BETA 0.3.2
**Only for Italian**L'applicazione è rilasciata con licenza GPL, qulunquesviluppatore può aiutare a migliorarla.Sorgenti presenti su Google Codehttps://code.google.com/p/patente/Ogni aiuto nello sviluppo è ben accetto!Allo stesso indirizzo gli utenti possono segnalare i bug.Permette di visualizzare un riepilogo della propria "situazionepunti" della patente.Occorre essere registrati al sito ufficialewww.ilportaledellautomobilista.itSe l'applicazione ha problemi è molto probabile sia colpa delsito www.ilportaledellautomobilista.it che a volte funziona male,prima di votare 1 stella verificare che il sito funzionicorrettamente.
Patente Donazione 1.0
Se vi piace o se volete contribuire allosviluppo dell'applicazione "Patente" potete donare comprando questaapplicazione.Attenzione! Questa non è una vera applicazione, è utile solo adonare.I sorgenti dell'applicazione sono dispoonibili qui https://code.google.com/p/patente/
GPShake Lite 1.0
->New version, no limitation betweenliteand full version, just ads<-With GPShake you can track your GPS location, creating aGPXfiles, only when you want with a shake of your phone! Thismeaningbatterylife saving!A great usage example could be when you want to geotaggingyourphoto made with an external cameraFull version:-No ads
GPShake 1.0
With GPShake you can track your GPSlocation,creating a GPX files, only when you want with a shake ofyourphone! This meaning batterylife saving!A great usage example could be when you want to geotaggingyourphoto made with an external cameraFull version!
SpeakBird Free 0.4
Free (ads) version.SpeakBird supports two modes:Notification: as soon as new mentions appear, you will be abletoclick a notification and a voice will read the tweets.Speak-as-Pull: as soon as new mentions appear, a voice will readthetweetsThe first mode also supports the following options:-Speak to warn of a new notification-Switch automatically to the Speak-as-Pull mode if theheadphonesare inserted-Switch automatically to the Speak-as-Pull mode if you'relisteningmusic or playingOther options:-Show a notification when SpeakBird is speaking-Force the voice to use a language other than the voice systemOpen Source (GPLv3) https://github.com/monossido/SpeakBirdComing soon:-Automatic detection of the language of each Tweet-Push
SpeakBird 0.4
Full version!SpeakBird supports two modes:Notification: as soon as new mentions appear, you will be abletoclick a notification and a voice will read the tweets.Speak-as-Pull: as soon as new mentions appear, a voice will readthetweetsThe first mode also supports the following options:-Speak to warn of a new notification-Switch automatically to the Speak-as-Pull mode if theheadphonesare inserted-Switch automatically to the Speak-as-Pull mode if you'relisteningmusic or playingOther options:-Show a notification when SpeakBird is speaking-Force the voice to use a language other than the voice systemOpen Source (GPLv3) https://github.com/monossido/SpeakBirdComing soon:-Automatic detection of the language of each TweetWhishlist-Push
BatteryDiff 1.1
*Please if you like my works donate withDonateVersion*This widget shows you in home page the estimated batterylifetimein hours:minutes according to battery consumption andtime.Needs a few minutes to show up, be patient.source code availablehttp://code.google.com/p/batterydiff/
AppLink Donate 1.0
Donate version of AppLink.For suggestions or ideas or if you want to collaborate sendanemail monossido@lorenzobraghetto.com,sourcesavailable at https://github.com/monossido/AppLink
BatteryDiff Donate 1.0
*If you like my work please buy thisdonateversion*Donate version (this is no a real application)source code availablehttp://code.google.com/p/batterydiff/
isOnline Hangouts? 1.9.4
Find out who is online with Hangouts